What Moves Her February 26, 2024

Dr. Anglin: A Beacon of Compassion and Care in Pediatric Medicine


In Auburn, Alabama, families seeking compassionate and holistic pediatric care can find solace in the warm embrace of Dr. Anglin and her team at Sunshine Pediatrics. With a heart for the community and a dedication to providing unparalleled support, Dr. Anglin has established herself as a beacon of compassion in the field of pediatric medicine.


At the core of Sunshine Pediatrics is Dr. Anglin’s unwavering commitment to meeting families where they are, both medically and emotionally. Through her words and actions, she emphasizes the importance of creating a safe and welcoming environment where every child feels valued and understood. Dr. Anglin’s approach goes beyond traditional medical care; it encompasses empathy, respect, and a deep understanding of each family’s unique needs.


One of the defining features of Sunshine Pediatrics is its emphasis on inclusivity and acceptance. Dr. Anglin and her team prioritize creating a judgment-free zone where families feel empowered to make decisions about their child’s healthcare without fear of criticism or condemnation. As expressed in the transcripts, Dr. Anglin respects parents’ preferences during checkups, recognizing that every family’s journey is different. This ethos of respect extends to all aspects of care, fostering a sense of trust and partnership between the practice and its patients.


In addition to delivering exceptional medical care, Dr. Anglin is deeply involved in community outreach efforts aimed at supporting children with special needs. The transcripts highlight the Sunny Kids Club, a welcoming space for children with differences, where families can connect and find support. Dr. Anglin’s commitment to sponsoring local events and initiatives focused on wellness underscores her dedication to creating a more inclusive and supportive community. By actively engaging with families outside of the clinical setting, Dr. Anglin demonstrates her commitment to holistic care that extends beyond traditional medical interventions.


Outside of her professional endeavors, Dr. Anglin is an avid reader and runner, finding solace and clarity in the rhythm of her footsteps. Her love for historical fiction and fantasy literature reflects her appreciation for storytelling and imagination. Through her personal interests and hobbies, Dr. Anglin embodies a balanced approach to life, finding moments of peace and reflection amidst the demands of her busy schedule. As expressed in the transcripts, running serves as a form of grounding and mental clarity for Dr. Anglin, allowing her to recharge and find clarity amid the challenges of her work.


As families across Auburn continue to seek out compassionate and comprehensive pediatric care, Dr. Anglin remains a trusted ally and advocate for children’s health and well-being. With her unwavering dedication to kindness, empathy, and inclusivity, Dr. Anglin stands as a shining example of what it means to truly care for the whole child, one patient at a time. Through her commitment to empowering families, supporting the community, and maintaining personal balance, Dr. Anglin embodies the principles of compassionate pediatric medicine, leaving a lasting impact on the lives of those she serves.


For more information check out their website at www.sunshine-peds.com

197 E University Dr #2, Auburn, AL 36832

(334) 329-7862

For BuyersKent McCown Group February 2, 2024

Unveiling the Unseen: The Importance of Home Inspections

Unveiling the Unseen.

We’re delving into essential aspects of home buying, and the spotlight is on a crucial step often overlooked – home inspections. Home inspections go beyond what meets the eye. They delve into structural, mechanical, and safety aspects of the home.

The Health Checkup for Your Home

Buying a home is a significant investment, and making an informed decision is key. Enter the unsung hero of the home buying toolkit – the home inspection. We had the pleasure of discussing this with one of our favorite home inspectors, Mr. Richard Spencer, a seasoned home inspector. Check out our Podcast to hear Mr. Richard’s take on the home inspection process.

A home inspection is like a health checkup for your future property. Even if you’re not planning to request repairs, knowing what you’re buying is vital before making a substantial financial commitment.

Red Flags and Serious Issues

Skipping a home inspection may seem tempting to save a few bucks, but it’s a small investment that can save you from significant future expenses. Home inspections can raise red flags, like exterior cracks signaling potential foundation issues or water stains hinting at concealed plumbing leaks. Common issues like mold, radon, or structural problems shouldn’t be taken lightly.

Credentials Matter

Choosing a certified home inspector is crucial. In Alabama, inspectors must have a state license and certification from reputable organizations like the National Institute of Building Inspectors or the American Society of Home Inspectors International. Experience and ongoing education are additional indicators of a reliable inspector.

The Final Word

As we wrap up, it’s clear that a home inspection is more than a checkbox; it’s a shield against unforeseen challenges. If you’re a first-time homebuyer or a seasoned homeowner, investing in a comprehensive home inspection is an investment in your peace of mind and the long-term well-being of your new home.

If you found today’s home inspection information valuable, please share it with fellow homebuyers. Stay informed, stay empowered, and until next time, happy home hunting!


A Shameless Plug for Mr. Richard and House Master

We want to express our appreciation for Mr. Spencer and his wife, Cindy, who brings us goodies and provides an extra set of eyes during inspections. Mr. Spencer’s thoroughness and professionalism, coupled with a user-friendly report format, also make the inspection process seamless.